METHODS has experience devising technology-based solutions to support numerous functional and administrative process areas in various industries including:
Insurance / Healthcare / Risk Management: quote management, sales force automation, application processing, client certification, plan of care maintenance, prescription authorization, pathways support, check generation / reconciliation, 1099 processing, lockbox processing, electronic funds transfer, case management, claims processing, invoice processing, utilization review, multi-fee schedule processing, profiling, credentialing, appointment scheduling, forecasting/trend analysis, image/document management (indexing, categorization, routing), actuarial analysis, correspondence generation, EDI
Oil & Gas: permit processing, regulatory reporting, production audit/accounting, financial management, real-time data collection, correspondence generation, image/document management, geographical information systems (GIS), mobile data applications
Defense: budget forecasting, payroll processing, general ledger, tax accounting, financial management, personnel management, travel management, training management
Human Services: contracts/grants management, vendor/client profiling, facilities licensure, training management, wireless network, EDI
Utilities: proof-of concept billing systems, accounting, trend analysis, work management
Economic Development: contract management, activity management, application processing, licensure, financial management
Education: web-site development, application processing, decision management, billing, EDI
Environmental: regulatory reporting, sample management, licensure, media monitoring, compliance
Courts / Legal: caseflow assessment, judicial workload assessment, automated case management, decision support
Banking / Finance: loan processing, lockbox processing
Automotive: sales and rental support, parts inventory management, financing, fleet management
Manufacturing: materials management, inventory control, cost projections, engineering change management